Meet our sister: The Galactic Gogo

We're celebrating our 8th year in business this April. To mark the occasion, we're pulling together our Bay Area sisters for a night of relaxation, reflection and sisterhood. We'll be joined by a very special sister and recent Marin transplant: Mary Hegarty, The Galactic GogoAstrologer and Cranio Sacral Therapist.

Mary is a former columnist and astrologer for Elle Magazine. She'll be offering readings that evening. We want to thank her and introduce you all to Mary!

How have you used or benefited from astrology?

I study the stars every day. It helps me tune into the larger cycles of life and understand how I can be most effective and at peace with my day.

How did you get started doing what you do?

The therapist in me got early training as eldest of seven children. My stressed-out parents discovered I could use my hands to take their aches and pains away. As for astrology, I enrolled in a course after finishing my university degree. I was fascinated, and hooked! I combine the two languages I love…the body and the stars… in my practice.

What keeps you going every day - either in your craft or going about life?

Food is my medicine, nature is my inspiration.  

Do you have a “sister” who has propped you up personally or professionally? In addition to my three “little” sisters, I’m blessed with amazing friends and colleagues who’ve accompanied me through various life chapters, and have been present physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually during happy times and rough patches. Counting on that weekly walk or cup of tea or check-in by phone, the rare but oh-so treasured snail mail, knowing that I always have a place to lay my head, a companion for a bike ride, a hike, or night on the town, someone who rolls up their sleeves with me and makes something magical happen. These are my sisters.

Where do you seek sanctuary - to dream, meditate, be creative or just find me time?

I’m a homebody. I create a peaceful environment with meaningful objects, and soothing and grounding colors.

Where do you find inspiration for your work and for your life?

My clients, colleagues, family, and friends.

Do you have any special rituals for making time with family or friends?

Special ingredients tend to include time in nature and amazing food.

What do you hope people will gain from your readings?

I hope people can walk away with a sense of what a powerful tool for self-understanding astrology can be.



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