Creating Your Sacred Space

Sisters, one thing is clear during these uncertain times. We are all in this together. We know what you're going through, because we are, too. In these unprecedented days, where we are expected to play so many roles, having a personal sanctuary is more important than ever. 


We're using the sanctuary of our bedrooms to find find privacy, silence, alone time, recharge, take some deep breaths, meditate.  We now have to create these spaces within our own homes for ourselves - for our sanity, for our health - creating a space where our self-care rituals occur daily.


As Taryn Toomey put it so beautifully "The routine of it helps you drop in a little quicker; it actually creates potency and memory around self-care rituals."  

Here are our tips on creating a sacred space in your home: 

1. Find a quiet place in your home where you can retreat in isolation. Ours are in our bedrooms.

2. Find a tray or small table that can be used as your sacred space.

3. Gather things that bring you joy - these might include crystals, photos, poems, things found in nature, mala beads, art, candles...

4. Create a place to sit. If you do not have a meditation shawl and sitting cushion, find a pillow and blanket that you can dedicate to this space. One that brings you warmth and comfort.

5. Consider burning incense, palo santo, or lighting a candle.

6. Breathe. Read a book or poetry. Listen to a podcast. Write in a journal. Listen to music. Breathe.

We must remember to care for ourselves first in these trying days, so we can show up for our family and for our communities.

Sending love and light, 

xx Jenn + Sarah 

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